Seekh Kabab

Seekh Kabab

Seekh Kabab
Seekh Kabab

ہرے بھری سیک کباب


مکئی كے دانے------------ ابالتے ہوئے 2 اور ½ کپ

آلو------------ 1 بڑے ابلا ہوا

کاٹیج چیز------------- 1 کپ

گاجر چوپپید------------- ½ کپ

پیاز------------- 1 چھوٹا 

ہارا دھانیہ--------------- چوپپید 2-3 تبس

نمک------------- 1 tbs یاحسب ضرورت

ادرک لہسن------------- کا پیسٹ 1 tbs

ہری مرچ------------- کٹی 2tbs

ہلدی پاؤڈر------------- ½ tbs

سرخ مرچ --------------پاؤڈر 1tbs

زیرہ ---------------پاؤڈر1tbs

کالی مرچ ------------پاؤڈر 1tbs

سویا ساس------------- 1 tbs

لیموں------------- کا رس 1 tbs

بریڈکرمز------------ ½ کپ

کھانا پکانے کے تیل 1--------------- tbs


ایک چوپیر میں مکئی کی دانا ڈالیں ، موٹے انداز میں کاٹ لیں اور ایک طرف رکھ دیں۔

ایک پیالے میں ، کڑوے کے ساتھ آلو کو کڑکیں ، موٹے کٹے ہوئے مکئی کی دانا ، کاٹیج پنیر ، گاجر ، پیاز ، تازہ دھنیا ، نمک ، ادرک لہسن کا پیسٹ ، ہری مرچ ، ہلدی پاؤڈر ، سرخ مرچ پاؤڈر ، کالی مرچ پاؤڈر ڈالیں۔ ، سویا ساس ، لیموں کا رس ، بریڈ کرمبس اور اچھی طرح سے مل جانے تک مکس کریں۔

تیل سے ہاتھ روغن کریں ، مرکب لیں (55 گرام) اور برابر سائز کے کٹللیٹ بنائیں۔
اوپشن # 1 شالو فرائی

کڑاہی میں ، ککنگ آئل اور بھون کٹلیٹ دونوں طرف سے گولڈن براؤن ہونے تک ڈالیں۔

آپشن # 2 ایئر فرائی:

ایئر فرائی مشین میں مکئی کی کٹلیٹ ، دونوںطرف سے برش کا تیل اور ایئر فرائی کو 15 منٹ تک 180 سینٹی میٹر پر رکھیں۔

English Recipe

Seekh Kabab


Corn kernels boiled 2 & ½ Cups 

Potato boiled 1 large 

Cottage cheese grated 1 Cup 

Carrots chopped ½ Cup 

Onion chopped 1 small 

Fresh coriander chopped 2-3 tbs 

Salt 1 tsp or to taste 

Ginger garlic paste 1 tsp 

Green chilli chopped 2 

Turmeric powder ½ tsp 

Red chilli powder 1 tsp or to taste 

Cumin powder 1 tsp 

Black pepper powder 1 tsp 

Soy sauce 1 tsp 

Lemon juice 1 tbs 

Breadcrumbs ½ Cup 

Cooking oil 1 tbs


In a chopper,add corn kernels,chop coarsely and set aside.

In a bowl,grate potato with the of the grater,add coarsely chopped corn kernels,cottage cheese, carrot,onion,fresh coriander,salt,ginger garlic paste,green chillies,turmeric powder,red chilli powder, cumin powder,black pepper powder,soy sauce,lemon juice,breadcrumbs and mix until well combined.

Grease hands with oil,take a mixture (55g) and make cutlets of equal sizes (makes 15-16).
In frying pan,add cooking oil and fry cutlets from both sides until golden brown.

What is seekh kebab made of?

Seekh kebab is a type of kebab, popular in South Asia, made with spiced minced or ground meat, usually lamb, beef, or chicken, formed into cylinders on skewers and grilled.

Is seekh kebab healthy?

Kebab and burgers
Doner kebabs can be high in fat. For a healthier option, choose a kabob , which may be a skewer with whole cuts of meat or fish and is typically grilled.

Is kebab meat good for you?

Crunchy salad, toasted pitta bread and a touch of chilli sauce have helped aficionados kid themselves and their taste buds that a doner kebab is one among the healthier takeaway options. But scientists have found that the food contains up to the equivalent of a wine glass of vegetable oil .

Why is kebab unhealthy?

"Kebabs are a healthier nutriment option because they're not deep-fried and include bread and salad. However, kebab meat does contain fat and therefore the amount will vary counting on the meat used. ... Kebabs made with minced lamb usually have a better fat content, closer to 20-25% fat.

How much fat is in a kebab?

The most startling findings were the nutritional content of doner kebabs. The average portion contained 1000 calories, quite half recommended daily amount for ladies . And there was 98 per cent of daily salt and 148 per cent of daily saturated fat.

How many calories are in one kebab?

An average kebab contains around 2,000 caloriesThe nutrition stats are shocking too. An average kebab contains around 2,000 calories – 80% of your GDA – and almost double your salt requirement.

What is meat on a stick called?

Spiedini, skewers, kabob , brochettes, satays, as our ancestors discovered that the simplest way for preparing meat was roasting it over the flame, they accomplished that by putting pieces of meat on long thin pieces of wood. ... the foremost popular food on skewers is that the “shish kebab”.

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